Well I made it another day. Mom and I are here in the Thomas Library. Couldn't get a signal in the high school cafeteria. And since it is raining, we have taken cover in the Cloud. Driving town and discovering Thomas. Mom knows where the motel and the laundry mat are. The wheat harvesters appear to be in town, too. Signs are welcoming them as well as us.
Todays Ride: 63 miles with a total trip time of 5:45 (including lunch in Butler and several breaks along the way. My bike computer is still out on the bike in the rain (with a bag over the seat of course) I always cover my seat every night. Today I just got smart and covered it right after I got off it. :). Its 2:14 p.m. and riders are still out on the route. In the rain. Not gonna be a good day for those folks. I'm not looking forward to sleeping in a tent tonight. Oh well. Just as long as it is dry tomorrow morning for our ride to Fairview. Speedwheel is tomorrow night.
Bike was at the shop last night. But it is making all kinds of racket again. It sounds like a time bomb. I hope it doesn't go off.
Still working on photos.