Friday, June 11, 2010

Standby...2010 Oklahoma FreeWheel on Deck

For those just joining me and aren't sure what all the fuss is about be sure to recap my adventures on last year's FreeWheel Oklahoma cross state bicycle tour beginning with my May 20th and 29th, 2009 posts. That should catch you up to speed on "What is FreeWheel?" and why I'm even attempting this thing. My dad got this whole thing started years ago...and he never even got to ride the ride!

More fun will be had this year...sister and brother-in-law are along for the trip this year...and of course Mom is still in charge of the SAG (Support And Gear) vehicle.

Hoping to add to this years blog? Maps! You know I love Maps! More photos, too.

Don't be shy...comments are greatly anticipated! Check back soon....

Shop- The Beginning

I'm finally building on the land. Its been a long time coming...and the plans and the location have changed over the years since I first...