Monday, June 13, 2011

He Still Would Have Loved Tent City....Part 2.

It's that time of year again....2nd week in June.  Oklahoma Freewheel  Cross State Bicycle Tour is well underway without me.  I've never had a year like this...when I really wanted to go...but just couldn't.  Maybe next year.   I miss my Dad in June...and not just because of Father's Day this coming Sunday......Freewheel week is always bittersweet with memories of he got us much he loved camp and how he inspired my sister and I to believe we could do anything-whether it was on a bike or regarding life in general.   Love You Dad!    Photo: Gary Dean Peters (middle) and the Preacher's Boys. (Looks like a late season training ride, huh?)

Shop- The Beginning

I'm finally building on the land. Its been a long time coming...and the plans and the location have changed over the years since I first...