Sunday-Day 1, Hugo to Clayton.
55 Miles. 4 hours and 37 minutes.
Good weather...little warm...Nobody slept well..dogs barking, cats caterwauling. no breeze..muggy....street lights..No wonder we didn't sleep! I had my alarm set for 4:40...but I was awake by 4am...so I was already ready. We filled up on peanut butter sandwiches and bananas and rolled out from the Hugo Depot at 6am. Fifty Five beautiful miles...hardly a hill to speak of.
Some FreeWheel firsts for me...Normally road kill is not worth mentioning..we see alot of it and its your run of the mill armadillo, possum, turtles, etc. But all the talk on Sunday was of the dead bob cat just north of Antlers I think. There used to be a person who kept circus animals around Hugo....and when I spotted the dead thing in the road I thought "It's one of those durn circus tigers!" I still swear it wasn't a bob cat although most in camp agree it was. No pictures are to be had..who wants to be taking a snap shots of road kill? But then who else should appear? Mr. Beaver! He must have been out late Saturday night. "Where was he going,?" my sister asked, as if it were somehow his fault for venturing out so far from his green pond just visible in the distance. Even now we occasionally ponder, "Why did the beaver cross the road?" No good answers are available.
Clayton was small and friendly. No internet...or at least it seemed to small to even attempt. Camped at the rodeo grounds. Live music spilled over to the campground we are sharing with fellow Guthrians. A practice game of Phase 10 was held...the real match is scheduled for later this week... I talked some smack...enough so that wise old Bob had to join our game...he will probably beat us all...but watch out for Sis. She plays it dumb but somehow she beat us on most hands...watch her.
Monday-Day 2, Clayton to Heavner
65 miles. 5 hours.
My dear brother-in-law is so helpful to other campers....but had he looked my way this morning as he delivered a bright lantern to the man camped behind me, he would have gotten the death stare--or at least a good look at his sister-in-law topless! There I was in the DARK of my tent, preparing for the day when I saw the light approaching....I acted fast and every avoided harm for at least another day. Guess I better just zip up the windows from now on.
Another nice day on the bike...stayed cool until we hit the hills. I hung around with brother-in-law and sister for the first 25 miles. Sis dropped out at Talihena and I went on up the Winding Stair Mountains on my own. It was tough...an 8 mile climb they told me later. I just took it easy and stopped at the top for a few fig newtons and more water. Maximum speed on the downhills? 35mph. A little frightening. Guess who followed me up? Brother-in-Law! He just can't lay off once he gets started...although later, when he made it to camp, he said he wished he had stayed with my Sis.
I missed the Rune Stone in Heavner...our campsite is really lots of fun..other than food we didn't feel the need to venture out. Rumors of the flooding in central Oklahoma spread around the camp..then the forecast for rain in the evening caused all the rain flys to go up...just in time. We really have had good weather for riding so nightime rain doesn't usually bother us.
We tucked into our tent as the rain started...8:50...pretty much bed time anyway...But Mom and I were wired up so we played a game of Uno by flashlight. I beat her 2 out of 3. The rain wasn't too threatening...really cooled things down and we slept like babies... a few drips here and there....
Mom and I got called down for being loud during the Uno game. (The rules state "you must yell UNO!...not whisper). Offically posted quite time starts at 10pm, anyway. It was only 9:30! Some dude issued a verbal warning from a few tents down...
and then the train went by--tooting its horn long and loud. Of course Mom and I cracked up again.
Tuesday-Day 3. Heavner to Muldrow.
No miles for me...64 were on the schedule. But I melt in the rain!
A nice heavy rain at 4:40am means Inger rides the Chevy to Muldrow. The rain was cleared by 7am...but that's an hour late start...and I need to avoid the heat/sun....and I'm tired! Today was the worst day for hills as well.....so it didn't take much to convince me to stay in the tent with the sound of the rain putting me back to sleep. We got up by 7:30 and packed up. Rolled out to Muldrow. Set up the tents in the sun to dry. Brother-in-Law wanted a meal...I wanted the public library so I could post our progress. Tommorrows route will take us 65 miles to Tahlequah. I'm up for that. As long as it doesn't rain!
The library ladies said the snake man is due here at 3 for a childrens show. I'm clearing out before he arrives with his exhibits! See you down the road.