Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Set.....Tomorrow I add the simple syrup to the Limoncello (45 days infused so far-another 45 to go)......Distilled water and Sugar!...... I have at least one friend anticipating the decanting in December....I think I need to start another batch...... Stay tuned. P.S. Check out my Flickr photo site under Galleries....I planted 100 daffodil bulbs Sunday, October 24th, 2010. I have another 100 to plant in memory of my Maggie Mae!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
The Non-Flip-Flop Sister
I am not a good shoe shopper. I love shoes. I used to say Nine West was my favorite store. But then shoes went funky on me and I got left behind. I didn't buy shoes for a while. But shoes wear out and faced with the need to purchase new shoes, I ventured out looking. Not buying. But at least looking. Practicing, I call it. But all I see now are tons of shoes with a bit between the toes (like a horse bit)...commonly known as flip-flops. (Formerly known as thongs but nobody wants to go there anymore)
I used to wear flip-flops. But then I stopped. I recently asked my sister, "When was the last time you saw me wearing flip flops?" Oh she couldn't remember. Grade school? Maybe junior high? "Somehow you have become the non-flip-flop sister," she announced. Labels be damned, I say! I will not be the non-flip-flop sister anymore. Not that I think that is such a bad thing. I mean "Non-smoker" is a good thing, right? But what about "Non-flip-flop"? How could something as innocent as a toe bit have precluded me from the world of fun summer shoes? I vowed to re-enter the shoe world by conditioning my feet to the point that I could wear flip-flops again. I dream of a whole world of shoes opening up to me once the feet are capable. I calculated that a late summer purchase would give me time to ease into the wearing of the shoe and that by Spring 2011 I would be ready...or at least the feet would be. I visited Nordstorms shoe site on line to browse. I asked friends for recommendations....I thought it over. I announced my intentions...I even shopped once or twice...but never bought any.
But then my Mom was visiting Labor Day weekend. I told her of my plan. I think she likes a challange and so it was on....We found these lovely Teva Mandalyn Wedge flip flops. Oh...the pattern/color? Andante Kimono. Very likely my first pair in 25 years! To think...flip-flops were always flat in the old days...now you can get a good heel on these things. I love them and really think this is going to work out perfectly. A few observations however:
I used to wear flip-flops. But then I stopped. I recently asked my sister, "When was the last time you saw me wearing flip flops?" Oh she couldn't remember. Grade school? Maybe junior high? "Somehow you have become the non-flip-flop sister," she announced. Labels be damned, I say! I will not be the non-flip-flop sister anymore. Not that I think that is such a bad thing. I mean "Non-smoker" is a good thing, right? But what about "Non-flip-flop"? How could something as innocent as a toe bit have precluded me from the world of fun summer shoes? I vowed to re-enter the shoe world by conditioning my feet to the point that I could wear flip-flops again. I dream of a whole world of shoes opening up to me once the feet are capable. I calculated that a late summer purchase would give me time to ease into the wearing of the shoe and that by Spring 2011 I would be ready...or at least the feet would be. I visited Nordstorms shoe site on line to browse. I asked friends for recommendations....I thought it over. I announced my intentions...I even shopped once or twice...but never bought any.
But then my Mom was visiting Labor Day weekend. I told her of my plan. I think she likes a challange and so it was on....We found these lovely Teva Mandalyn Wedge flip flops. Oh...the pattern/color? Andante Kimono. Very likely my first pair in 25 years! To think...flip-flops were always flat in the old days...now you can get a good heel on these things. I love them and really think this is going to work out perfectly. A few observations however:
- My feet are cramping more these past two weeks. I suspect the shoes. But I won't give in. It will pass.
- I'm a fast walker....but you just can't go fast in these things...they are definitely a strolling shoe, hence "andante", a moderately slow pace. Even the name of the shoe is whispering to me, "Slow down." And so I am slowing down, enjoying the relaxed pace-hoping I can adopt a similar state of mind as well.
- You shouldn't try to change directions too fast...of course this goes hand in hand with strolling (or would that be foot in foot? part and partial?....
- Maintaining presentable, well groomed, exfoliated and moisturized feet is a must when wearing these shoes. Your foot is just about naked! Nobody wants to see a dirty rough naked foot. These shoes will require additional pedicures for the feet, whether professionally or personally performed. Oh well. I think I can handle that.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Homemade Limoncello-The Wait Begins.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Spatchcocked-The Pastured Chicken gets Grilled!
I made a herb paste with 10 cloves garlic, rosemary, thyme in 1/4 cup olive oil. Strained it, reserving the oil, and put the herbs/garlic with salt under the skin. I'll use the flavored oil over the top after the chick gets grilled! Should be delicious! Thanks to the farmer!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Watching the Tour....After the Tour

So I almost finished the Tour of Payne on the 5th...My riding partner's bike went down...without him on it luckily! We were 24 miles into a leisurely 36 mile route. But I waited out the SAG vehicle with him since he was having such a bad day. (The bike wasn't the only thing that broke down....the whole day was just a big mess...and quite laughable in retrospect but I won't be sharing that part of the story.)The remainder of our group had ridden on together and we saw they were still sticking together as we finished the route in a red Chevy. I was glad.
I got the Versus channel ordered up for the month of July especially for watching the Tour de France. I set the DVR to record today's stage (Stage 3)..the cobblestone stretch they call "the Hell in North" during the Paris Roubaix....not a normal route for the Tour. So it should be interesting. I love the history behind the roads...but I feel for the guys having to go over those stones.
I have lots of favorite riders...but Fabian Cancellara was my man last year and I'm sticking with him again this year.........Go Fabulous!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Day 4 of 7-Muldrow to Tahlequah
64 miles. 5 hours.
I was out on my bike again this morning after my day off yesterday. Pretty early start..5:50am. Trying to beat the heat. Rode 64 miles today...the hills were the worst yet everyone said. And I agree. I blew out my glove...lost the center padding on the right. Oh well..they were starting to smell. I'm not my usually bubbly self in camp (hee hee)...I dismissed myself to the Tahlequah Middle School Media Center to post. This room (which I would call a library) has 30 computers...and there are only 3 people in here....me, a girl on facebook (of course) and a man sleeping on the floor. Its air conditioned and quite. FreeWheelers will sleep about anywhere. Word is that it will be open all night...pretty nice gesture on part of the school.
Tonight is SpeedWheel, an amateur racing event for cyclists in the region/state. They will close off the streets downtown to make a route for the cyclists. Spectators will line the streets with camp chairs...or just sit on the curb and watch them whiz by. The announcer does a great job...calling out "10 more laps. Will So and So maintain the lead? We have a new leader....and my favorite, a premium lap...where the winner of that particular lap wins a prize...even if he loses the race. There will be several Category of riders...all faster than I could ever imagine going.
I'm gonna try to put some photos on this post, not sure the Media Center will let me download them....but anyway...Tommorrow we head for Pryor. Just 53 miles! Till then...
I was out on my bike again this morning after my day off yesterday. Pretty early start..5:50am. Trying to beat the heat. Rode 64 miles today...the hills were the worst yet everyone said. And I agree. I blew out my glove...lost the center padding on the right. Oh well..they were starting to smell. I'm not my usually bubbly self in camp (hee hee)...I dismissed myself to the Tahlequah Middle School Media Center to post. This room (which I would call a library) has 30 computers...and there are only 3 people in here....me, a girl on facebook (of course) and a man sleeping on the floor. Its air conditioned and quite. FreeWheelers will sleep about anywhere. Word is that it will be open all night...pretty nice gesture on part of the school.
Tonight is SpeedWheel, an amateur racing event for cyclists in the region/state. They will close off the streets downtown to make a route for the cyclists. Spectators will line the streets with camp chairs...or just sit on the curb and watch them whiz by. The announcer does a great job...calling out "10 more laps. Will So and So maintain the lead? We have a new leader....and my favorite, a premium lap...where the winner of that particular lap wins a prize...even if he loses the race. There will be several Category of riders...all faster than I could ever imagine going.
I'm gonna try to put some photos on this post, not sure the Media Center will let me download them....but anyway...Tommorrow we head for Pryor. Just 53 miles! Till then...
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Three Days Down!-A Post from the Muldrow Public Library

Sunday-Day 1, Hugo to Clayton.
55 Miles. 4 hours and 37 minutes.
Good weather...little warm...Nobody slept well..dogs barking, cats caterwauling. no breeze..muggy....street lights..No wonder we didn't sleep! I had my alarm set for 4:40...but I was awake by 4am...so I was already ready. We filled up on peanut butter sandwiches and bananas and rolled out from the Hugo Depot at 6am. Fifty Five beautiful miles...hardly a hill to speak of.
Some FreeWheel firsts for me...Normally road kill is not worth mentioning..we see alot of it and its your run of the mill armadillo, possum, turtles, etc. But all the talk on Sunday was of the dead bob cat just north of Antlers I think. There used to be a person who kept circus animals around Hugo....and when I spotted the dead thing in the road I thought "It's one of those durn circus tigers!" I still swear it wasn't a bob cat although most in camp agree it was. No pictures are to be had..who wants to be taking a snap shots of road kill? But then who else should appear? Mr. Beaver! He must have been out late Saturday night. "Where was he going,?" my sister asked, as if it were somehow his fault for venturing out so far from his green pond just visible in the distance. Even now we occasionally ponder, "Why did the beaver cross the road?" No good answers are available.
Clayton was small and friendly. No internet...or at least it seemed to small to even attempt. Camped at the rodeo grounds. Live music spilled over to the campground we are sharing with fellow Guthrians. A practice game of Phase 10 was held...the real match is scheduled for later this week... I talked some smack...enough so that wise old Bob had to join our game...he will probably beat us all...but watch out for Sis. She plays it dumb but somehow she beat us on most hands...watch her.
Monday-Day 2, Clayton to Heavner
65 miles. 5 hours.
My dear brother-in-law is so helpful to other campers....but had he looked my way this morning as he delivered a bright lantern to the man camped behind me, he would have gotten the death stare--or at least a good look at his sister-in-law topless! There I was in the DARK of my tent, preparing for the day when I saw the light approaching....I acted fast and every avoided harm for at least another day. Guess I better just zip up the windows from now on.
Another nice day on the bike...stayed cool until we hit the hills. I hung around with brother-in-law and sister for the first 25 miles. Sis dropped out at Talihena and I went on up the Winding Stair Mountains on my own. It was tough...an 8 mile climb they told me later. I just took it easy and stopped at the top for a few fig newtons and more water. Maximum speed on the downhills? 35mph. A little frightening. Guess who followed me up? Brother-in-Law! He just can't lay off once he gets started...although later, when he made it to camp, he said he wished he had stayed with my Sis.
I missed the Rune Stone in Heavner...our campsite is really lots of fun..other than food we didn't feel the need to venture out. Rumors of the flooding in central Oklahoma spread around the camp..then the forecast for rain in the evening caused all the rain flys to go up...just in time. We really have had good weather for riding so nightime rain doesn't usually bother us.
We tucked into our tent as the rain started...8:50...pretty much bed time anyway...But Mom and I were wired up so we played a game of Uno by flashlight. I beat her 2 out of 3. The rain wasn't too threatening...really cooled things down and we slept like babies... a few drips here and there....
Mom and I got called down for being loud during the Uno game. (The rules state "you must yell UNO!...not whisper). Offically posted quite time starts at 10pm, anyway. It was only 9:30! Some dude issued a verbal warning from a few tents down...
and then the train went by--tooting its horn long and loud. Of course Mom and I cracked up again.
Tuesday-Day 3. Heavner to Muldrow.
No miles for me...64 were on the schedule. But I melt in the rain!
A nice heavy rain at 4:40am means Inger rides the Chevy to Muldrow. The rain was cleared by 7am...but that's an hour late start...and I need to avoid the heat/sun....and I'm tired! Today was the worst day for hills as well.....so it didn't take much to convince me to stay in the tent with the sound of the rain putting me back to sleep. We got up by 7:30 and packed up. Rolled out to Muldrow. Set up the tents in the sun to dry. Brother-in-Law wanted a meal...I wanted the public library so I could post our progress. Tommorrows route will take us 65 miles to Tahlequah. I'm up for that. As long as it doesn't rain!
The library ladies said the snake man is due here at 3 for a childrens show. I'm clearing out before he arrives with his exhibits! See you down the road.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Dishes Washed in Guthrie....
Well, it's almost time. Soon I'll travel to Hugo to prepare for the Sunday start of Oklahoma FreeWheel 2010. My sister and brother-in-law have vowed to join mom and I on the adventure. Last year (2009) was an anomaly....just mom and I. This year it's our usual crowd.
But wait...I sold the Toyota...what's a girl to do? How will we get our bikes loaded without my usual roof rack/truck combo? I'm counting on my handy dandy brother-in-law! I haven't seen the contraption yet but I can tell you that it attaches to the receiver hitch on his truck and will accommodate up to two bikes and a ice chest of beer! It will be sturdy (you don't want to loose that ice chest en route_!) and very functional! We just hope Mom remembers that it is back there while she drives the truck each day!
A phone call confirms the Mt. Ida crew is underway...That's good. I don't want to pick the campsite. Too much pressure. Oh...how about those campers at Albert Pike Campground on the Little Missouri River/Caddo Gap in Arkansas that died in the flash flooding? Terrible. Stay Alert and Live! (that's a slogan off a helicopter guide I found in Dad's old Weyerhauser briefcase)
Tonight we will camp next to the Depot in the City Park...This is the first place Sis and I ever camped. Back in 2001? Her then beau dropped her off...I caught a ride down with the late, great Bill Burke of Stillwater. What a wonderful old man....I will think of him often this year...I know he is riding a bicycle in heaven..climbing the clouds...and the wind is probably always at his back, too. He's right at home...he certainly was full of hot air.....That's for you Mr. Burke...you know I had to say it! :)
Tomorrow we ride out at daylight-(6am)-headed for Clayton. Doubt I'll find a internet "hot spot" but I'll keep my fingers crossed...
But wait...I sold the Toyota...what's a girl to do? How will we get our bikes loaded without my usual roof rack/truck combo? I'm counting on my handy dandy brother-in-law! I haven't seen the contraption yet but I can tell you that it attaches to the receiver hitch on his truck and will accommodate up to two bikes and a ice chest of beer! It will be sturdy (you don't want to loose that ice chest en route_!) and very functional! We just hope Mom remembers that it is back there while she drives the truck each day!
A phone call confirms the Mt. Ida crew is underway...That's good. I don't want to pick the campsite. Too much pressure. Oh...how about those campers at Albert Pike Campground on the Little Missouri River/Caddo Gap in Arkansas that died in the flash flooding? Terrible. Stay Alert and Live! (that's a slogan off a helicopter guide I found in Dad's old Weyerhauser briefcase)
Tonight we will camp next to the Depot in the City Park...This is the first place Sis and I ever camped. Back in 2001? Her then beau dropped her off...I caught a ride down with the late, great Bill Burke of Stillwater. What a wonderful old man....I will think of him often this year...I know he is riding a bicycle in heaven..climbing the clouds...and the wind is probably always at his back, too. He's right at home...he certainly was full of hot air.....That's for you Mr. Burke...you know I had to say it! :)
Tomorrow we ride out at daylight-(6am)-headed for Clayton. Doubt I'll find a internet "hot spot" but I'll keep my fingers crossed...
Friday, June 11, 2010
Standby...2010 Oklahoma FreeWheel on Deck
For those just joining me and aren't sure what all the fuss is about be sure to recap my adventures on last year's FreeWheel Oklahoma cross state bicycle tour beginning with my May 20th and 29th, 2009 posts. That should catch you up to speed on "What is FreeWheel?" and why I'm even attempting this thing. My dad got this whole thing started years ago...and he never even got to ride the ride!
More fun will be had this year...sister and brother-in-law are along for the trip this year...and of course Mom is still in charge of the SAG (Support And Gear) vehicle.
Hoping to add to this years blog? Maps! You know I love Maps! More photos, too.
Don't be shy...comments are greatly anticipated! Check back soon....
More fun will be had this year...sister and brother-in-law are along for the trip this year...and of course Mom is still in charge of the SAG (Support And Gear) vehicle.
Hoping to add to this years blog? Maps! You know I love Maps! More photos, too.
Don't be shy...comments are greatly anticipated! Check back soon....
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Shop- The Beginning
I'm finally building on the land. Its been a long time coming...and the plans and the location have changed over the years since I first...

I'm finally building on the land. Its been a long time coming...and the plans and the location have changed over the years since I first...
Well I made it another day. Mom and I are here in the Thomas Library. Couldn't get a signal in the high school cafeteria. And since it i...